LBL, or Light Bladder Leakage, is best described as involuntary bladder loss and it is something experienced by thousands of women every day. In fact, it is so common that you can expect a third of your friends to be having similar experiences.

Although it can be a subject difficult to discuss with others, the good news is LBL is entirely manageable. There are all sorts of treatments, tips and tricks to get on top of your LBL so that you can get on with enjoying your life. And during your journey, Poise® range delivers discreet, reliable leakage protection.

Don't be discouraged if you get set backs when trying to regain your bladder control. This can be due to being tired or run down due to illness, such as colds or flu, or a urinary tract infection (see your doctor immediately if you suspect you have an infection).


Light Bladder Leakage can happen to all kinds of women, and for all kinds of reasons. While it can occur at any stage of life, it’s common during pregnancy and after childbirth, as pressure on the bladder weakens the pelvic floor muscles. While there are several types, the most common type of incontinence that affects women is stress incontinence. Other common types of female incontinence are urge and overflow incontinence.

If you're experiencing menopause, LBL can occur due to your Oestrogen levels dropping, affecting the elasticity of your pelvic floor muscles and the tissues supporting your bladder and the lining of your urethra. Prolapse is another condition that can bring about LBL.

Other causes of LBL can relate to any surgery you may have had on your pelvic floor. It can also occur as a result of medical issues within your body such as infections in the bladder or kidneys, a thyroid disorder or a neurological condition such as Parkinson's disease.


Understanding and identifying what triggers are causing your light bladder leakage will help you manage and possibly improve your bladder problems. Sometimes a cure is as simple as avoiding certain stressful situations or through modifying your diet.

LBL triggers can include:

  • Coughing, sneezing, laughing, vigorous exercise or activity and even picking up something heavy, like a small child when your bladder is full
  • Excessive fluid intake
  • Drinking coffee, tea
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Pelvic floor surgery
  • Medical conditions such as a Thyroid disorder or a neurological condition like Parkinson's disease
  • Displacement of pelvic organs
  • Prolapse
  • Menopause



Poise® Liners, Active and Pads are specifically designed to help you manage light bladder leakage.

If your light bladder leakage persists, you may want to talk to your doctor or local continence advisor about the very effective treatments and coping strategies that are readily available.



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One of the best ways to manage LBL is to STRENGTHEN YOUR PELVIC FLOOR, which is made up of all the muscles keeping your bladder, uterus and bowel where they belong. Pelvic Floor Exercises can make these muscles fit and firm and help you to regain control of a weak bladder.

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Improve your bladder control and reduce LBL with a few of these handy tips:

  • Reduce or cut out caffeine, sweet drinks and alcohol
  • Eat healthily & avoid constipation — don’t use laxatives!
  • Use the toilet only when needed (including when you wake up and just before going to bed)
  • Drink around 1.5 litres of fluid a day


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Since every woman’s body is different, getting advice specific to yours is the best way to reduce or eliminate LBL. If you are struggling to manage or you’re experiencing pain speak to your doctor who can advise you on easy and effective treatments and coping strategies for bladder weakness.

By keeping a diary of when leaks occur, how often and how much, your doctor will be easily able to diagnose and treat your symptoms.

You can also use our Q & A sheet as an easy way to talk to your GP about Light Bladder Leakage.




Generally when treating light bladder leakage, it is best to start with behavioural modifications, as these can often have a big impact and may prevent any further need for other forms of treatment. A good place to start is with pelvic floor exercises.

If you do have bladder control problems, ask your Doctor about treatment options that may be available. You may be very pleasantly surprised to find that bladder treatments can often be straightforward, very effective and can even result in regaining complete bladder control.

Find out more about LBL treatment options.


This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from a qualified health care professional with any questions regarding your concerns.

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